I found Marion Fayolle’s piece quite interesting. On page 2, the mimer, you see a man approaching a mirror, touching his own reflection, and as he is about to kiss it, a woman that comes up from behind him hits him with a rock, shattering the man & the mirror itself. I feel like the message here could have to do with a relationship between the man & woman. Though the woman was dealing with someone narcissistic, & out of anger & lack of patience, she finally decides to get rid of this relationship. In the process causing a mess, and shattering the man himself, perhaps his ego as well. On page 3, fragments, we see the woman trying to pick up the pieces, but two other women join her and help. This could be that she is left to pick up the pieces for herself after the relationship is over. Though she didn’t end up doing it alone, but rather with the help of her friends, because in situations such as break-ups, friends are most times a reliable source to help us through a tough time as such, which is depicted in the comic. In the end, these pieces are reassembled and put up in a gallery setting. This could signify that the woman finally picked up all the remaining pieces after the break up, and now she’s left with simply the memory. Since the initial pain is over, she can now sit down & admire what once was. The reassembling of the man could also indicated that the man was never the same after the ending they experienced.
Initially, this piece drew me in due to the very simplistic style of it. Though what I enjoy about it the most is the way it was arranged, and the fact that it is a narrative, without using any words. Therefore interpreting it is far more open due to the lack of words. I believe that the lack of literary form here is its best aspect. Visually I would say the most intriguing part of the piece are the images in which you see this man kissing his own reflection while a woman is preparing to throw a rock at him, proceeding to shatter him & his reflection. That’s the area that really pulled me in, desiring to dig deeper into the work & figure out the meaning behind it.
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